公历:2025年03月14日 星期五 农历: →今日黄历
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日 期:2015-03-13 09:53:22 来 源:易安居星座网
来自: 过气女郎(执迷不悟,痴人丧德)
Aries (Mar. 20--Apr. 19) :
There will be an explosion in the sign of Aries. You may set a bonfire, have an accident, or join activist movements. Motion and taking action are prominent. There is potential for your explosion to bring some kind of reprisal having to do with career or life direction. Maybe you have already done this recently.
Taurus (Apr. 20--May 19):
Be aware that you are in a sensitive frame of mind and may misinterpret that which is said to you. You may be the one who hears what you want to hear. So take your impressions with a grain of salt until you clarify what was originally intended. Don’t talk yourself into a funk.
Gemini (May 20 -- June 20) :
You may be in the midst of a negotiation. It appears that you want to create something new and different for your future. You are attempting to persuade the Powers That Be to find a way to help you. However, this is probably a lost cause this spring. Don’t waste energy if you find a push-back. There is a better opportunity in the future.
Cancer (June 21--Jul y 21) :
The torque of tension is all around you. It seems everyone you meet is needy somehow. You may want to stay home and pull your crab shell around you. It will be well for you to practice some kind of meditation or yoga on a daily basis, which is healthier than staying under the covers.
Leo (July 22 --Aug. 21):
Those who have experienced physical ill health in the last two months are recovering. This is a time in which you have “go” signals in the arenas of distance travel, internet activities, publishing, teaching, and legal activities. The rules and regulations are hot on your heels.
Virgo (Aug 22--Sep. 22) :
Beware the liar. The probability is high you will encounter one this week, someone who believes his own story, thus making it unclear if he is telling the truth. Check out the sources and ask other people who may know something about the situation. Don’t accept anything of importance at face value.
Libra (Sep. 23--Oct. 22)
This is a week to bring projects toward closure, so you can prepare for a new cycle next week. You may feel bored or disenchanted with your everyday routine, but this will be relieved soon. Let your imagination flow and consider adding something beautiful, maybe inspirational, to your everyday surroundings. It will perk up your attitude.
Scorpio (Oct. 23--Nov. 21) :
You and Aries have things in common this week. An emotional explosion or accident may suddenly alter the picture. There may be consequences on your health, at your workplace, or in rental property that you own. Drive and handle tools very carefully.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 --Dec. 20):
Saturn entered your sign in December, adding a serious or somber level to your thinking process. This week Saturn turns retrograde for the next several months. This will reduce the pressure or weight of your concerns. The overall task continues to be how to grow a new identity, but for now you are given time to prepare.
Capricorn ( Dec 21 -- Jan 19) :
There are developing problems in and around your home that may suddenly become visible. If not property, then the restlessness and potentially surprising events may become apparent in your family life. Usually there are clues ahead of time about the nature of the dis-order.
Aquarius (Jan. 20--Feb. 17) :
Since mid-December, Saturn’s position has altered your perspective on your community. You have felt the obligation to offer your talents for a greater social purpose. Alternatively, you may have felt a strong need to back out of social commitments. This week Saturn turns retrograde and the pressure on these issues will be reduced for four months.
Pisces (Feb. 18--Mar. 19) :
You may be more than a little bit tempted to pursue a dangerous course of action this week. This could be really expensive. Stay alert to how you talk yourself into something, just because you want it. Your mental side knows this isn’t a good idea.


    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼