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日 期:2016-01-12 16:05:00 来 源:易安居星座网










来自: 过气女郎


DAILY HOROSCOPE 12 January, 2016. Daily Horoscopes.

DAILY HOROSCOPE 12 January, 2016. Daily Horoscopes.Today you will postpone a meeting or plan, but you will realize another. There will be a question of priorities and circumstances.
You will hear of problems in the life of a person about who you will think gets deserved "punishment" for his/her previous actions.
You will have to take care when discussing the health problems or the love life of a young woman or girlfriend.
Family problems may arise related to money and possibly trouble caused by someone's reckless actions or selfishness.
For those born under the sign of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, today there may occur slight anxiety / panic of a financial nature relating to a document, bank, tax authority and others.
There can be unexpected but necessary and important cost of funds.
For those born under the sign of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, this day may be interesting and unusual. This may be related to your relationship with a man. There may be an emergence of a new opportunity or luck at some point / situation.
Those born under the sign of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius may expect a lot of work, important conversations, negotiations, proposals and others.
Possibly you will have contacts with a judicial or legal institution. You may start something new in your life.
Those born under the sign of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will get news from afar from a woman or associated with a woman. Possibly there will be phone calls, welcoming of guests and other activities and contacts with people from another location.


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    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼